Friday, April 7, 2017

Environment | Week Highlights

[In the News] | [Meanwhile in Massachusetts]

Week: April 1 - 7 2017

News Highlights

[Main topics of the Week] Personally I need a break from the constant flow of bad environment and conservation news coming from the US. So I am going to focus primarily on a single event that happened this week: the birthday of an inspiring leader, a great woman, scientist and conservation: Jane Goodall.

And otherwise make sure you call your senators to get them to hear what you think about the dismantling of Alaska's Izembek National Refuge pushed by the Alaskan Environment thug that Rep. Don Young is. Although he is not alone: the Republicans are acting altogether at dismantling environmental protections, and eradicating conservation areas. [Common Dreams]

Want to know what's going on in the Congress? Check my Congress Watch page  This page highlights urgent issues / bills with actionable items (who to call for support or protest).

Meanwhile in Massachusetts

Keep an eye on...

Local Legislature & Campaigns

✧ 350 Mass Legislative Agenda
✧ Massachusetts Sierra Club's Legislative Priorities — 2017-2018 (190th session) 
✧ Environmental League of Massachusetts Legislative  — 2017-2018 agenda
✧ Conservation Law Foundation Campaigns 

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